
The Dancing Heiress – A love story

This Book has given me a magic portal to connect with people of the past and the present.  I believe that dance can elevate our human experience beyond words.  This is a love story. 

It’s about a proud woman who loves to dance.  She’s exhausted and courageous. You’re going to see she is triumphant. She made it, and she is beating away anything negative with her tremendous strength. And in the last dance, she digs into the earth and she reaches into the sky … because she’s clearing space for her inheritance.  

In Sophia’s opinion, dancing had to be the greatest gift to the world. The graceful, precise movements of the body.The quickness and fierceness of these movements sometimes, and the slow, calculated ones at other times. The feeling of weightlessness that came with every movement, like one was in zero gravity. The perfect synchrony of all of this to the rhythm of an appropriate song.

She was a dancer, period. The ballet, the salsa, the zumba – you name it and she could do it with ease and grace. Dancing was a time machine to her; her getaway means from a world and a time of changes and uncertainties to one where she had more control of her mind and body, where she mattered and mattered wholly.

As Enya’s Caribbean blue resonated from the sound system, she needed no invitation. Her feet planted themselves on the soft rug of the dance hall, firm and set for business. Her thin, slender hands were high over her head, moving this way and that, in opposite direction with her body, as if to ensure some form of equilibrium. She closed her eyes and bent her head backwards, allowing her long, shiny hair to move unhindered as the wall fan, discovering its usefulness, added some flourish to her hair. She had the long legs of a gazelle and soon, with unnatural agility, the tips of her toes were all that supported her beautiful slender body. She moved in slow, purposeful steps as she glided into a chassé, closing her eyes and smiling in contentment. Then came the pirouette, and even she knew that she had a gift.

Dancing was her superpower, and it was the one thing no one would ever take from her.

When his hands found themselves on her waist, she wasn’t startled nor did she show any other sign of surprise or disapproval. Her waist has become home to his soft hands and they rested there with authority.

With one swift, deft movement he spun her around to face him. Their eyes, serious and unblinking, met and locked during the whole movement, as if each saw the next dance move in the other’s. Her feet were back to the ground, replacing her toes, and her legs moved one after the other, in alternation with his, as they began a very slow, very sensual salsa.

The song wasn’t over when she abruptly stopped and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands tightened their grip on her waist as he lowered his head to give her a hungry kiss on the lips.

Charlie Perkins’ e-book debut was worth the wait! From the book’s enchanting art cover to the book’s exhilarating conclusion, I was hooked! I could not put this book down! The storyline moved me. The characters were very relatable (I was able to see the characters in my own life.), and the language style worked perfectly. I truly enjoyed reading this book so much so I immediately wanted to share the link to purchase it to everyone I knew. Charlie Perkins is an E-book superstar in the making! A well written, beautiful story that is equal parts love and loss, hope and heartbreak, simplistic and complex. The latter description much like ‘love’ itself.

I laughed, smiled, cried, and reflected my way through. Charlie Perkins created a compulsively readable, smart, witty, and an ultimate page-turner.
I can’t wait to read the sequel to this Love Story!

By Joyce Walker